
Aluminum beads are a type of metal beads that artisans use in many projects other than jewelry.  This bead is very popular because of the shine and luster that are added to any piece of jewelry.  The other metals that are made into beads include sterling silver, gold, tin, pewter, and iron.  Like any other metal beads, aluminum beads are malleable, meaning they can be molded into your desired shapes and forms.  This property helps jewelry artisans to create striking designs of necklaces, bracelets, rings and earrings.

Malleability is not the only factor that makes Aluminum Foil for Cable Manufacturers  the aluminum beads widely popular.  New technology has also helped these beads to get incorporated and used with other jewelry components.  Some techniques allow for metal beads to mix with one another to produce a strikingly unique piece, regardless of shape, color and luster. Additionally, the prices of aluminum beads are competitive, and you can use them for projects that are not jewelry. Here are some examples.


Since Christmas is approaching, and you think that your Christmas tree looks regular and drab, you can add some aluminum beads and laces to your tree ornaments. You can set larger beads of aluminum against a metal plate to create your little wind chime.  Spruce up your tassels and ornamental statues with a creatively made metal bead wrapping or seat. Or, make the beads into interesting barrier screens.


Aluminum beads are great to adorn your shoes, purses, hats, and sneakers.  Put some beads into your shoe laces and on their sides. Your white lace shirt will also benefit if you stitch a few aluminum beads on it.  You want to stand out in the next ball game.  Use the beads to print out the logo of your favorite sports team on the ball cap.  There are so many ideas in using aluminum beads and your imagination is the only limit.


While beaded clothing is not the trend today anymore, it does not mean that Alumin um Foil for Air Duct Manufacturers  you cannot have fun with aluminum beads. You can use these beads to make a fun project, such as a t-shirt beaded with all colors and shapes of beads.  This makes a cool thing to wear at the club and even during casual work days.

Dimensional Crafts

This refers to toys, bookmarks, etc.  It is fun to put some aluminum beads to a toy elephant.  The bookmark you can use or give to a friend as present. It sure will be appreciated.  You can make flower arrangements with different colors of beads, or make a hit with some woven works that include beads.

When working with aluminum beads, it is important to remember that you should have fun; you should also need to be creative so you can produce great beaded pieces. It is very easy to craft any project if you have an imaginative mind and the right tools.  Aluminum beads are available where other bead types and craft supplies are sold. If your project requires greater quantity, it will be to your best interest to buy your beads online and in bulk.



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